National Insurance Awareness Day

June 28th is National Insurance Awareness Day!
This day was created to review your current insurance coverage, and to remind you that it’s important to talk with a risk management professional to be sure that you aren’t under or over insured. 
Some may think that insurance is only a couple hundred years old, but the earliest known versions of insurance were found in 3000-2000 BC. It’s even been found inscribed on the Code of Hammurabi, the first written laws. Modern-age insurance as we know it came into existence in the 1600s during the Great Fire of London, where the destruction brought the idea of property insurance. From there sprang all the forms of insurance we know today. Insurance Awareness Day celebrates the history and necessity of this invention, and encourages people to understand the important role it can play in their personal lives and businesses.
Every day seems to be Insurance Awareness Day here at Maloney & Company, LLC!
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